Saturday, January 6, 2007

And so it begins

Since I'm only now just starting with the tracing, I won't be finished with a muslin anytime before I see my mom tomorrow so I'll be on my own for the fitting. That's OK. I'd rather just spend the day walking around on the beach and going out to dinner after.

I did finish up the latest pair of Simplicity 4660 jeans this morning. Life's obligations have kept me mostly out of the sewing room this week. I'm going to set this pattern aside for a bit now as the boredom factor has set in after 3 pairs of pants in relatively short order. Remind of that boredom factor when I'm whining about the jacket next week, OK?

Here are a couple of pics of the jeans on the table. I made them with a wider leg this time and I think I'm going to like 'em. I hemmed them at a slight angle, longer in the back, since I think the wider hem circumference calls for it.

I added deco stitching to the back pockets and topstitched the darts. No one but me will see these details often, as my untucked tops will be covering that area. But still, it's fun to add details just for yourself. That's one bonus with sewing, right?

Now onto tracing SEVENTEEN pieces while the NFL playoffs start …


  1. I love your cat fabric facings and fly! Flying cats on a fly; how appropriate. Happy tracing!

  2. I love the fun facing fabric! Such a simple thing but it sure adds to the garment!

  3. Seventeen seam allowances to add! I wonder if you have a quick way to do that. Do you use one of those thingies that measures the SA while you cut? I hope so! Happy sewing Debbie!

  4. Sherril said. . . Laural Birch fabric is so fun. I especially liked the purple zipper.

  5. Hi. *waves* I'm reading your blog from end to end, and just wanted to say -- I love how you give yourself space and grace. It's quite refreshing. This post is a good example. You're not frustrated with your predelictions or tendencies. Yeay you!


Thank you for each and every comment. I appreciate them all, but I have to be honest and let you know that I'm usually bad about answering questions. I hope you understand that there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do.

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