My sewing mojo has been mostly missing the last couple of weeks, but I think it was my body telling me to just do nothing for a couple of weekends. I think I mentioned that my voice had been missing too? Well, it was gone a total of 4 weeks, almost to the day. Unbelievable! But it's back now, although sometimes still a little croaky at the end of the day. One of the weirdest things ever for me. Someone else's voice, or none at all, coming out of my mouth.
Anyway, today I felt extremely rested and back to my old self. But I still had no idea what sewing project I wanted to start next. As I was scrolling through the Review Gallery on Pattern Review, I came across
PattiB's review of the Christine Jonson Princess Wrap top, which caused the sewing mojo to start stirring. Thanks Patti!
I've had this pattern in my stash for at least 2 years. Probably closer to 3. Belinda reviewed hers in May 06
(what happened to your pics Belinda??) and I bought the pattern soon after that, I think. So, yes, almost 3 years now. I shouldn't have waited so long.

I cut a straight XL, although I did add length as I cut
(and think I still will add more) and made my usual square shoulder adjustment. I also added width to the sleeves because I only wish I had Michelle Obama's arms! I think the top is going to be another winner.
My "muslin" is a 100% cotton baby rib knit. I think I've had this fabric at least 3 years too. It's Baby Lulu fabric bought from a coop. Very soft and comfy - perfect for a PJ top. Not so perfect to wear out of the house as cotton rib tends to grow widthwise and progressively shrink lengthwise. But to test the pattern and possibly get a new PJ top - a good match in my book.

I like how the wrap is gathered on one side into the princess seam. Nice asymmetry, great camouflage.

Since this IS 100% cotton rib, after all, I serged clear elastic to the neckline to counteract its natural inclination to droop. I then just turned and coverstitched the edge. Because of the construction order, this top would be also be a great candidate for binding the neckline on the CS machine. I may try that on the next one from better fabric.

So, after dinner I'll sew in the sleeves, stitch up the sideseams
(they are pinned in the photo above), and hem it. Maybe I'll even have enough time to whip up some coordinating no-sideseam PJ pants. That's probably pushing it, so they may have to wait for 10-20-30 minute sewing during the week.