All Simplicity 4122. Two wovens, two knits. I love them all, but I think it might be time to put this pattern away for a while so my entire summer tops wardrobe is not this one pattern, as I do still wear the first two from last summer.
For this one, I left off the front button closure and just cut the front pieces on the fold.

I decided to change this one up a little more and added a "faux" tie to the center front. I like this change as it gives the neckline a slightly vee shape, making it not quite so obvious it's the same exact pattern as the other three tops above.

No further progress on the jeans. I really thought I'd have a long sewing weekend, but we ended up doing other things. Saturday, I had to hang around in limbo waiting for people to show up to look at the boys' old beds I had listed on Craig's List. If they hadn't been sold, they were on their way to Goodwill because I was so tired of them taking up 1/2 of the garage. Around that, we were picking up all the tree debris in the yard from the storms (still raining but at least it's back to the normal Florida pattern of sunny with afternoon t-storms).
Yesterday I took the bed proceeds and bought a new gas grill with my sons in tow. They picked it out, telling me that they should have the final say since THEY would be doing the cooking. I noted this for posterity and then agreed. After bringing it home and setting it up, we then went to the grocery store and picked up some great NY Strip steaks, some fresh squash, and potatoes and had a DELICIOUS grilled meal. DS#2's girlfriend joined us and brought a dozen cupcakes for dessert. She knows DS's sweet tooth well because there exactly TWO left when I woke up this morning.
Today, though, I was determined to sew and finish something, which is why I chose another Simp 4122. I may get back into the sewing room after dinner (grilled lime chicken) and work on the jeans pattern. If not, it's still been a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. I didn't work a lick since Friday.