Saturday, February 28, 2015


Checking in with some updates on me and the blog ...

I 'm good , but I have not been sewing. Obviously. Well, not anything worthy of keeping or blogging about. I've had a slew of wadders and the sewjo took a hike. 

I've also been doing some social things with friends the last few weekends, which also cuts into the sewing time. Good for me. Bad for the blog.

And, finally, I've been working on restoring the missing photos around the blog. I've still got a long way to go, but the Coverstitch Stuff is back. The Fly Zipper tute is next also done. I've decided NOT to keep up a separate website/domain and to put everything on the blog so it doesn't take a hike again. It's very slow going but eventually it will all be here. The hardest part was rounding up all the photos from my prior computer and getting them onto a thumb drive to grab from the laptop. That part has been done. Gah ... I really miss my old computer. It still runs Win2K hahahaha!

So that's about it.

In the meantime, I have a new phone finally (LOVING it!) and I'm on Instagram. Find me @stitchesandseamsdeb.