1. What I Did This Afternoon Instead of Working
2. How Spoiled Is My Son?
3. Why I'm Glad I Have An Embroidery Machine and Software, Even Though I Don't Use It Much
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Apparently the football coach sent home order forms during summer workouts. Equally as apparent — none of them made it to our house. Typical teenage brain fade, I suppose.
The coach decided this year that instead of wearing game jerseys on game days during school hours, he'd have all the players buy "kits" of various game day paraphernalia. (I'm sure there were some profits that made it into the football slush fund too!) DS wasn't really paying close attention. He knew he didn't want or need the cleats or the shorts or most of the other things in the kit. And by the time he realized he actually *did* want and need the polo shirt (read: the coach expected him to be wearing it), it was too late.
Last week, we bought a navy polo shirt so he could at least look similar to his teammates. He tried to describe the embroidery on the official shirt, but we just weren't connecting with the description. I told him I needed to actually see one. So, last night he brought home his friend's shirt and then expected me to perform digitizing magic today so he'd have a "real" shirt tomorrow.
I only use my digitizing software about 3 times a year so I always end up fumbling around before I remember what I'm doing. But a couple of hours later, I actually had a workable design. And even though I really didn't have the extra time, I forced myself to also make a couple of tests. I'm glad I did, because a few adjustments were then made and the final stitch-out is nearly perfect. (See, "muslins" are necessary for all types of "sewing!")
My tests:

The friend's original shirt:

DS' new knock-off:

It's pretty darn close, DS is happy, and there's no way a bunch of teenage boys and/or football coaches will ever notice the differences. I think I'll keep my mouth shut.