

I cut apart the man's 2X tee, laid my handy-dandy 1 billion times TNT Ottobre tee over the pieces and cut. A quick stitching of one shoulder seam, then running the neckline through the binder on the CS machine, then the other shoulder seam, sleeves, sideseams and hem, and I was D-O-N-E. I didn't even have to hem the sleeves since I cut them to keep the original hem stitching in place.
On the job front — I got a gigantic raise today (I'm now salaried) and I'm on Cloud 9. I will also be hiring and training 1 or 2 assistants in the next month to help with the workload so mine will decrease overall, keeping the parts I like best and delegating the other parts to my new assistants. What this really means is that I'll have more time for sewing, and my non-work life in general.
I've missed my blog and my sewing room terribly, but come the end of the day the last thing I want to be doing is staring at the computer screen some more so I've been vegging in front of DVR'd shows. I've become a huge fan of Mad Men. Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and other fav shows are back with new episodes, and of course Sundays are spent watching football all day long. What I need to do is slow down for a minute and get a DVR for the TV in my sewing room so I can "watch" the recordings while I cut and/or sew. I really do prefer to multi-task and not just veg out with the tube.
Except for the "waste" of the office wardrobe now gathering dust, this job has been a real blessing. The work is tedious but I actually like it. The hours are whatever I want them to be, the pay was good before and is now outstanding, and the commute is non-existent. I never have to spend gas money to get to work or wonder what my pups are tearing up in the house.
Speaking of the pups, the weather has been cooling down enough to be bearable and we've all been spending more time outside during breaks in my day. Chili thinks his job is to hunt and catch all the lizards in the immediate vicinity and he's seriously not fulfilled unless he catches at least 1 a day. He plays with them for a while and then Dani comes along and eats them. "Tastes like chicken!" she says. ;-)
Our kitty Gizmo left us last month. He was close to 18 years old so he had a good run. It's still strange that he's not following me and the dogs around when we're outside like he always did. But he was getting incredibly weak and fragile at the end and I know it was just his time.
I'm hoping to squeeze in a trip to Joann's tomorrow around other errands. I'm nearly out of white and brown thread, for both sewing machine and serger. I can't believe it. I always have tons of the basics. I wonder if there will be anything else that catches my eye. I've been so busy I haven't even really had time to buy fabric. I know!
I also hope to have something new from the sewing room to show off next week. Fingers crossed!
Have a great weekend!
I like what you did with the t-shirt, very clever! :):):)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your kitty. Cats are so special, I have one myself, and I adore her. :)
I love your refashioned T's!
ReplyDeleteAnd my condolences on losing your kitty. We haven't had a cat around in close to 12 years, and I still miss 'em.
One of these days I'll figure out where to put a litter box and we'll get another one. ;)
And congrats on the promotion!
Congrats on the promotion and salary raise. May I borrow a dogger to reduce my huge lizard population, please, pretty please.
ReplyDeleteLove the T remake! sorry to hear about the loss of Gizmo, glad the work from home job is working out fabulous. g
ReplyDeleteSorry about Gizmo. :-(
ReplyDeleteI have to ask, what is it that you do from home, for which you're so handsomely rewarded? I'm assuming it's computer-related.
So sorry to hear about your cat.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are enjoying your work. Great job on re-fashioning the t-shirt, it looks much more feminine :)
Congrats on the pay rise!
ReplyDeleteLove the Tee makeover - much, much better than the original!
Sorry to hear about Gizmo - sending hugs. We still miss our kitty we lost 4 years ago. Even though we have 2 new cats, and they're adorable in their own right, we still miss him.
Great news about the job - more pay and HELP for you. Hoping all the training of the new ones go well.
ReplyDeleteSad about Gizmo. No matter how old, still hard to let them go (for me anyway).
Here's to more sewing in your future!
The t shirt looks great. So sorry about Gizmo. Our cat passed on after 18 years too and sometimes I think I hear him walking around, he was with me so long. Congratulations on your raise!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the promotion and raise! If you're as good at your job as you are at sewing, it's no wonder. I'll be looking forward to more blogging.
ReplyDeleteCool tee BTW. Every time I read about how well the Ottobre tee works for you, I bang my head on the table. I couldn't get it to work for me, but I may haul it out and give it one more try one of these days.
I'm sorry about Gizmo. I've lost two cats who were 15+ and I know how hard it is, even when you know they're getting toward the end of their life.
Welcome back! I check your blog every day and have missed you. You have a real talent for illustrating and explaining your sewing process. Your new assistants will benefit from that talent (even though it is not sewing-related), I know.
ReplyDeleteYour t-shirt looks great. It's wonderful what a difference a few cuts and seams can make, as long as they are the right cuts and seams!
I always love your t-shirt refashions! As usual, this one is fantastic looking.
ReplyDeleteAnother great tee re-make, Debbie!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the raise and that the job is working out so well for you.:)
Also, so sorry to hear about Gizmo. It's always so hard losing a pet. :(
Nice T!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the raise!
Sorry to hear about your kitty :-(
Princess's job is to catch mice - thankfully we don't have enough around her for her to catch 1 or 2 a day!
Gizmo surely had a very good life but boy, it's still hard when they go.
ReplyDeleteGlad the job is going well and that you proved your worth and are being rewarded. Way to go!
- Bev
I agree very clever redo on the t shirt. Congratulations on your raise!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo about the pay rise! I hope the new assistants mean you will have more time to yourself in the future. Selfishly I miss our chats :(
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for awhile. I knew we lived in the same part of florida...I see by your son's team name that your team is playing our team on Oct 24. My daughter is a drummer in the marching band so I go to all of the games. I was looking for a job in my area the same time you were looking for a job. Would love to hear about your job!
So sorry to hear about Gizmo. :(
ReplyDeleteWe lost one of our cats last month too, and still miss him quite a bit...
Great remake- I hate how those kinds of shirts look on me as they are in the original state. My ottobre pattern is still resting in its magazine cover unfortunately for me. Sorry about gizmo - very difficult especially when they have been a part of your life for so long. Happy that the job is going well - we miss you. mssewcrazy
ReplyDeleteThat tee is awesome, woman! Mighty fine looking. I normally just hack mine to pieces, snip snip here, add a contrast hem there, glitter & glue for some bada-bling...
ReplyDeleteJust what IS this job anyway? No office clothes, fickle hours, great money...are you whacking people or what?
Congrats on your promotion!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you are still active. Miss you on fact, got an email asking me if i knew Love the t-shirt remake!
ReplyDeleteGreat t-shirt makeover,,,,
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the promotion,,,I am with the others, i would like to hear about what you do as well..