I'm back to the J Stern jeans pattern. Bet you thought I forgot about it, eh? But the twist for today's muslin is that it was completely sewn on …

Talk about slow-going. LOL! First, there are no seam allowance marks on the needle plate so I had to eyeball it. (I will be adding some marks with a Sharpie, I think. I can always remove them with alcohol.) Next, I had to coordinate my foot motion with my fabric-moving motion. Like trying to pat your head and rub your belly *and* chew gum. Plus I broke the thread 3 times and I'm having a hard time seeing the needle hole to re-thread since the needle is positioned for threading left to right instead of front to back and my eyes ain't what they used to be. A new bright table lamp is high on the shopping list. (Aircraft landing lights anyone??)
So, speaking of the treadle …
As you can see by the pic above, its new red belt is in place, along with a new red felt pad for under the thread spool. Could we be any more color-coordinated? (Said in my best Chandler Bing voice, of course.)

My new bobbins and winder tire arrived yesterday and I actually treadled a bobbin. That contraption sure makes a nicely wound bobbin. It even has an "auto stop" feature, so that you can't overfill it. Cool!
Back to the jeans … I added about 2 inches to the rise and took in the CB seam by changing the back crotch angle. I did that adjustment after comparing the pattern to a new pair of Levi's RTW capris I bought last week that fit great. Yeah, I had to give in and buy some pants because my available sewing time hasn't been allowing me to sew all my own clothes anymore. I was thinking I'd just get something to tide me over, and was pleasantly surprised at the good fit of not just one pair, but two!
I also compared other key measurement points between the pattern and the RTW capris and made some slight adjustments to flatten the hip curve and widen the inside leg width a smidge. I laid my muslin over my RTWs and they seem to be a good match. I'm not going to model the muslin because I can't close them. LOL! The RTWs are stretch denim and the muslin isn't. I'm going to just go ahead and cut real fabric next and hope for the best.