Monday, July 13, 2009

Keep Moving Folks, Nothing To See Here

(Although that's NOT what I had planned for today.)

I worked a lot on the J Stern jeans/capris. Almost finished them in fact. Had the waistband mostly sewed and then decided to try them on for one last test fit.

And I could not zip them up, no way no how.

I'm fairly sure I did not gain 20 pounds in a week. I really have no idea what went wrong. And right now, I don't even want to look at them. I'm spittin' nails.

The only "good" news is that I do have more of this fabric so all is not yet lost for getting a wearable pair of capris from it. I just wish I didn't have to start over.

After that ordeal, I was paralyzed and just vegged in front of the TV last night. Army Wives, In Plain Sight, and Wild Pacific, while looking at my new Petite Plus Shapely Shirt pattern.



  1. I'm in shock. All that down time and you didn't peruse craiglist for a Singer 201???


  2. I just made a pair of shorts, the same thing happened. I couldn't deal with them either - they went into the trash!

  3. My jeans that I made earlier in the spring are hanging in the closet for when I do lose 20 lbs. Likewise, I have no idea what happened. One try-on they fit fine and the next they wouldn't zip. fortunately the twills I've made still fit.

    LOIS K

  4. Blah! Stupid pants! Sewing pants can be such a pain. I spent two weeks on pant muslins using new patterns and got nowhere too. Ok, not nowhere but I don't have any wearable pants to show for it, and it totally killed my sewing mojo. When will we ever learn to use our TNT patterns? :)

  5. Well, dang! I've been waiting for your review of the Sterns jeans, hoping you would say how wonderful they are. Boo! So, I'm back to my McCall Palmer/Pletsch jean pattern, which fit really well. Why mess with success?li

  6. Oh that is annoying! I've gained a little weight lately and my clothes are showing it. I feel your pain--and then some, because you put blood sweat and tears into these capris!

  7. Debbie, would you pop me an email? Sorry to ask here, I don't know another way to contact you.

  8. We've all been there at one time or another, and vegetation is about the only option. The next pair will work for you.

  9. I am sorry about the ill-fitting jeans, but I had to laugh at the title of your post! "Move along"... :)

  10. Oh HOW frustrating!! Yes, I think it's best to put them away and let them think about what they've done for a while...

    (in other news, my sister-in-law just adopted a 1922 singer treadle in terrible condition and was very happy to see your posts on refurbishing yours and getting it stitching!)

  11. I, too, loved your title, "Move Along Folks..." Where to you come up with this stuff? After reading all the comments, I'm also feeling considerably better about the wadder cropped pants I just threw in the trash.

  12. Hi Debbie! (waving madly) I bought the JStern jeans pattern recently. I was giving it the once over today and I noticed that the seam allowance is 1/2", not the usual 5/8". I immediately thought of you :) and this post. You didn't happen to sew your jeans with 5/8" seams did you? That would explain why they turned out so small. Anyway just a thought. I'm sure you moved on long ago. :) How's life anyway?


Thank you for each and every comment. I appreciate them all, but I have to be honest and let you know that I'm usually bad about answering questions. I hope you understand that there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do.

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