I cut/sewed a muslin for these HP Marrakesh drawstring pants. They will need adjustment. I bought them on a whim. It's that darn Trudy on YouTube, I tell you! She sucks me right in every time. I will have another look at them but I may end up just morphing them with a similar TNT pattern. I do like some of the details on the HP, like the pockets — which is notable since I don't usually like sideseam pockets. These should be a quick project and I need long pants since lower temps will come here one of these

Moving along and speaking of long pants. These JStern jeans languish on my treadle table. I may not dust and vacuum as often as I could/should but I hate clutter and usually avoid it by putting things away, right away. Every time I see this pattern pretty much strewn over the treadle table, it irritates me. These have a high chance of moving to the top of the list just so I can clear out that corner. I've already fitted the pattern and just need to make a better fabric choice the next time. The unfinished too-tight first-run capris will hang until I drop 20 lbs. Which could be a while. (See comment re sitting in bleachers, and it looks like the team is going to make the playoffs) ;-)

And the new pretties. They arrived yesterday and have been calling my name ever since, with
The HP Tie-Me-Down top may actually not be completely lying to me, judging on others' reviews of it on PR. This one is near the top of the list, but not *at* the top of it yet. But its day is coming soon, I know it. (I don't think it will end world hunger though.)

This HP Riviera Cardigan/Jacket is fighting with the pants to be next up. Well, not fighting with the pants but with my OCD sense of *needing* to finish up UFOs before starting something new. I *want* to make this one next, but my urge to clear out the clutter will probably win and push this one to right-after-the-pants status. So, instead of sewing it right away, I ordered some fabric this morning for it. That will keep me from starting on it this weekend. Maybe.

And then there's the Coldwater Creek catalogs that keep appearing in my mailbox, taunting me with their classic, comfortable, rich-looking pieces. Like this, which they call a Poet Shirt. I really *need* a white blouse, especially one that's as easy to wear as this tunic-y style. I already have the perfect fabric for it too.

I bought this during a recent Club BMV sale. (Am I really saving money with Club BMV? Hahahahaha!) The sleeves will need some changing and I'll have to add gathers and reshape the placket, but all quite do-able. I don't need an outright clone, just the essence will be fine.

The next CWC temptation. Gorgeous, no?

And this is the pattern that "fell" into my cart for it. You can't really see too clearly with the print and the small drawing, but it has pintucks down the front like the CWC inspiration. I probably won't use this actual pattern for anything more than to copy the pintuck ease onto a TNT and maybe the sleeve, but who knows — it could be one of those magical patterns that will fit perfectly right out of the envelope. Oh, sorry. I must've dozed off. ;-)

And still in the CWC mood, I'm sure everyone is familiar with all of their great denim-type jackets in those great fabrics they very rarely share with us in the sewing world. (I swear, if there was a CWC *fabric* catalog, I'd be bankrupt! Coldwater Creek - ARE YOU LISTENING?)
For jackets, there's this new-to-me pattern:

And this one:

But what I really should do is pull out this one, since it's already altered with lining pieces made, and now a TNT:

And I wore the HECK out of it last fall/winter, and can't wait until it's cool enough to pull it out again. (Note to self: Check Joann's Home Dec dept next time I'm in for thread.)

Now moving on from CWC and toward the Lemming inspiration. There's been a sew-a-long for these type cardi patterns on PR and I seem to be moving, trance-like, toward the edge of the cliff.

They look quick and easy and comfortable. Perfect for Florida "winter." I don't think I'll make the really long and drapey version of either, but I will probably give one of them a go.
And finally, Christmas is coming. (Bah humbug. Oh, did I say that out loud?) I haven't made my sister any new scrubs in a long time. My mother is retiring this week and moving to a new house and new state (about 12 hours closer to me, but still a long-a$$ drive) and a homemade housewarming/holiday gift is on the list too. I did order fabric for both projects, which arrived a couple of days ago. I want to try a new scrubs pattern for my sister. For mom, I ordered a quick pieced/quilt-as-you-go tablerunner pattern. I read through the pattern and it really seems like it will quick. (Famous last words.) Both of those will need to be squeezed into the next month.
Whew! That's a lot of stuff. I wonder how much I'll actually get done. Stay tuned. Whatever comes out of the sewing room will end up here. And, of course, all of this is subject to change. ;-)