Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let Them (me) Eat Cake

After months and months (and months and months and months) of not eating cake or anything in the sinful dessert category, I gave myself permission to indulge in the extremely rich and chocolately cake that was put before me at the office party. I decided I earned it, and as you can see, I left no crumb unturned. ;-) The uneaten beauty next to my empty plate is the raspberry edition. Imagine the same pretty little cake but all in chocolate. It was worth it. DeeLISH. And much better than the rubber chicken for the entreé. OK, it wasn't really rubber and was quite good, but it certainly wasn't chocolate cake.

The party was fun. There were silly videos shown lampooning bosses and coworkers. I didn't know most of the victims subjects since they work in a different location, but they were still funny and my tablemates were kind enough to explain the really obscure references. It was also nice to meet some people face to face that I've only dealt with via telephone or email. And hey, I was NOT introduced as "This is our TEMP Debbie," but instead as "This is Debbie, a new addition to the Marketing Department." Gives a girl hope.

Most of the office cleared out shortly after our return from the party, but with a huge deadline looming, I not only stayed late last night but I went in today for 6 hours and continued some graphics work from my home computer upon my return. That's OK. A check full of overtime the week before Christmas will be quite welcome. And, of course, the Good Worker points are priceless in my quest to turn this gig permanent.

As I hinted, I ended up wearing the skirt with the red jeweled shell, the red drapey cardi, and the black belt. There was lots of red & black, and just black, so I fit right in. The only semi-issue I had with the skirt was climbing into the back seat of a car. Without a kick pleat, I had to maneuver trickily while still maintaining a ladylike posture. In the future, I think I will add a kick pleat, not that I can't do ladylike postures …


  1. You've certainly earned that glorious treat! Way to go, Debbie!

  2. Way to brown nose, you certainly earned the cake. Fingers crossed for permanency

  3. Good for you! And congrats on the weight loss. I've been dieting as well. Now the trick is learning to eat "normally" and not over do. You're looking great

  4. Sounds like you waited for the perfect treat to indulge in!

  5. Debbie, I found a neat little trick to get into cars when wearing shorter skirts - this came from a book 'Swell' I picked it up in a overstock store in California.

    1. Open the door
    2. Park my butt in the seat, while both the feet are still out
    3. Together, swing both legs in

    Maybe you might already know this, but just thought I'd mention.. And no, I've never tried this for the back seat though..

    Enjoy the cake!! You can have your cake and eat it too! You earned it. If you want low carb treats once in a while, google for blackbean chocolate cake.. I've eaten it and it's really yummy and doesn't take like beans. Elana's pantry has a lot of great desserts without any flour.. you might want to check that out too..

    I don't eat grains these days and love her paleo bread made of almond flour.


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