Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Rhapsody On Me and a Sewing Room Preview

Here I am, after work, and with a mirror shot. Proof I am actually still alive. (And chubbier and grayer.) I currently work from home MWF and in the office TT. Today was an office day. We're moving buildings in ~2 weeks so my in-office time for the last month has been mostly spent packing up files into boxes or the shredding bins. It's approximately 400 degrees outside this month (with humidity levels to match) and it doesn't matter how much AC is blowing, my body still knows. Which is to say I was a little drippy today while moving all those files and boxes. Ugh. The new shirt held up well, though it's much more wrinkled after a full day and 2 car rides than what shows in this pic. I also see that part of the back of the top is hung up on my hip. Oh well. This is real life here.   
Behind me you can sorta kinda see the table where my sewing machines used to live. Over the weekend, I bought a new table and moved the machines into what will now be my dedicated sewing (and miscellaneous dog stuff and other junk) room. 

Below is their new home. Along with the ironing board and cracked iron (see previous post). 
My cutting table is on the other side of the room. 
Coming around full circle, there's Zillie and a shelf full of mostly non-sewing stuff. Weird fact — my ex's ashes are in the red urn in the top left cube. I'm not completely sure exactly why he is "living" with me again. The irony cracks me up regularly. If he were in a grave, he might be rolling over in it. I have a very dark sense of humor. Please disregard. 
Back to the cutting table, where you can see there is absolutely nothing on the walls in here yet. And there's a stash of big bags of dog food under the table and dog crates to the right of it. Since Alex moved out almost 2 years ago and Tyler moved in "temporarily" about 9 months ago, I've been using this room as a catch-all. Now that I'm reclaiming it for sewing, I'll need to figure out new homes for a lot of this stuff. 
That's the tour at the moment. It's definitely a work in progress. But I think the sewjo is back and I'm excited to get things going in here.

Also, a note about comments. I can't reply to them on my computer, only on my phone, and I haven't figured out why yet. Blogger has changed some things in the last couple of years and it's making me a little nuts. Since I'm not a big fan of "typing" on my phone, until I figure out what's going on I probably won't be replying individually until I get it fixed. And since my HTML skills are rusty and my patience for troubleshooting is low, it's going to take some time. But I am reading and very much appreciating that you're still out there, helping me knock down the cobwebs off this thing, and saying hi! 


  1. Hi! I love your sewing room! And your outfit! Thank you for showing us your sewing makes!

  2. Good to have you back.

  3. Ooooo I soooo envy your windows! Getting the room set up in baby steps is good, gives time to see how things will work before forging ahead with major purchases or moving things about only to find it's not going to work.
    No worries on the dark humor on the ashes - it IS funny!
    I'm glad the new top worked well! Blech on moving stuff. It's hot sweaty stressful work in the best of conditions.

  4. I use an ap called “blog touch” to deal with posting since blogger started driving me nuts on my iPad a couple years ago. I could drool over that dedicated cutting table. I bought one and then promptly bought one of the biggest domestic machines, if not the biggest, and plopped it down because there was no where else to put that monster. Left about 36 inches available, that grew other stuff.
    Glad your sewjo is back!

  5. It’s lovely — and so are you!

  6. Welcome back!! That's a great sewing room, and a great shirt to match. I love seeing your bathroom mirror selfies again, thanks for keeping up that tradition 😉

  7. Glad to see that you are back. I missed your posts.
    Did you hear that Gayla at All Brands passed away recently? That is a real loss for us around Richmond.

  8. Nice sewing room!

  9. Your room looks great, Debbie, and so do you! I like how you have your machines lined up along one table so you can just scoot back and forth from serger to sewing to cover stitch.

  10. Debbie - great to see you and to hear how you all are. Looking forward to reading along again!

  11. Lovely to see you back . I had a laugh at your Ashes conundrum . We have a father in law , my mother in law ( divorced many years ago with great acrimony ) and my beloved dog Millie also in a book case side by side . I think they would all be laughing as thankfully they became quite good friends in the latter stages of their lives and both of them loved Millie.

  12. It's great to see you back. What a wonderful, bright new space you have! So well deserved and I know you will do great things there. Welcome back and no need to type me anything!

  13. So very good to see your recent updates! You have been missed. Looking forward to more of your posts—you are a sane voice in the sewing universe with a fresh perspective.

  14. I like your sewing room. I am also on the "three machines, cutting table, and iron always ready" train.

  15. I'm thrilled to see you posting again!!

  16. Love that you’re sewing and blogging again! Seems like can only do one or the other. 🤣


Thank you for each and every comment. I appreciate them all, but I have to be honest and let you know that I'm usually bad about answering questions. I hope you understand that there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do.

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