Finally, I'm ready to cut real fabric. Whew! I feel like I've accomplished nothing these last 3 days. I kept fighting the urge to just toss it all and run to the mall. But I stayed motivated because I know I'd never find what I have in my head and that whatever I did find wouldn't fit as well as I'm used to when I make it myself. I still don't have a thing to wear yet so the mall may still see me, but at least I'm feeling more optimistic.
I said yesterday that this KS 3368 jacket was a "near TNT." By that I meant I knew from my first trial of it there were still things to tweak. Fortunately, I had the finished jacket to try on to evaluate the tweaks. Unfortunately, I started seeing every little thing. Those tweaks took up my entire morning, but at least they're done now.
For the first jacket, I did not do an FBA. And because that fabric is a stretch denim and the pattern was drafted for a C/D cup, it really didn't need one. The fabric I'm planning to use for this second version is also a stretch woven but I want to line it with a non-stretch woven so a small FBA was in order. I also had to narrow the shoulders some more and move the shoulder seam toward the back. Nothing too complicated, but it meant a muslin
(my third this week!) to be sure. My final change was to morph the sleeve from View C of
McCall's 5329.
I'm also contemplating adding the "belt" pieces per the McCall's pattern and you can seem them pinned on the muslin in the pic above. I think I like them. They'd be from the same fabric as the jacket so it won't be a contrast, just a subtle design element.
Now, moving on to another topic which I mentioned this week …
Do you remember seeing this on
Belinda's blog?
Well *I* took that pic above. Which means that *I* am the proud and grateful recipient of a wonderful birthday surprise from Down Under. She's a sneaky girl, that Belinda! Posting about her beautiful creation all the while knowing it was already on its way to Florida. Thank you
SO MUCH Belinda!! It's now hanging up in my sewing room in a spot where I can see it from my sewing machine. I'd show a full-wall view except my sewing room is a complete disaster zone right now. ;-)
Also in the package were more goodies. First, a great birthday card
(inside it reads "We're vintage"). It's actually 3-D, so that little hanger you see is real. Belinda always find the neatest cards. I think this one will eventually get framed and added to my collage grouping in the sewing room.

Next, a package of Burda tracing paper. I always wondered what that paper was that Belinda sometimes posts with her pattern tracings. It has a matte and a shiny side so it's always been very distinguishable to me. Now I know. I think I may just go ahead and use it on the KS jacket pattern, since it looks like a roadmap after the first and now latest alterations.

Also in the package was a flyer from Spotlight
(like our Joann's), a flyer from a local fabric/sewing store with a list of their classes, demonstrations, and new fabrics. I've been pea green with envy about this store, Frou Frou, ever since I first learned about it. Belinda is so lucky to be in Melbourne with all those wonderful fabric sources in the same city. She also stuck in swatches
(we trade back and forth) of some of her latest projects. The eyelet fabric she used for her prize-winning blouse is spectacular!
(Actually, all of her fabrics are … see comments above about envy and Melbourne stores. Ahem.) It's so fun to have such a kind and generous sewing friend from the other side of the world. The only downside is that she
IS on the other side of the world. Or I am. ;-) But the internet and the mail makes her seem a little bit closer.
* * * * *
And last for today, my new shoes, which arrived yesterday.

I love them both so I may end up keeping them both even though I ordered two pairs of brown shoes thinking I'd send back at least one.
So, ladies, if pantyhose are passé, which I kinda know they are, just what do YOU wear with dresses/skirts and shoes like these? There's no way I'll go bare-legged to an interview. And even though I do go bare-legged all summer long and won't have a problem with that later if it's acceptable wear for wherever I end up, I still can't imagine either of these shoes with bare feet. Do you just live in flats and flip-flops all summer?