Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This and That and a Giveaway

This post is going to be an unconnected stream of consciousness, just some things on my mind and on my sewing table. If you make it through to the end, congratulations! You'll be "rewarded" with a chance to win today's giveaway. What? I didn't mention that I'll be doing a giveaway every day for a week? Oops. But just so you know, it's not going to be all new books. I'll probably throw in a pattern or two and maybe an oddball thing. You'll just have to keep checking each day to find out. ;-)

What I wore yesterday, for grocery shopping. Was I overdressed for Walmart? Hah. I think it's the long, dangly earrings that make me feel fancier because it's really just a simple knit dress. I wish I hadn't cut off my feet cuz my green flip-flops looked killer with this. Another side benefit of losing weight? Shoes that used to be too tight now fit again. Yay! The dress is RTW, size 14. Yeah, I know knits stretch, but still, a 14! Wooo! Who said size doesn't matter? ;-) I do need to sew the crossover shut. My Hollywood Tape quick fix wasn't quite cutting it. I also need to buy some new bras or take in the bands of my current ones in the interim. The girls are not getting the same support they did when my bra bands were tighter.

New denim capris from Walmart, 4 sizes smaller than the black ones underneath I wore all last summer. Time for another Woo! I think the black ones will become another skirt.The new capris are a tiny bit snug but they are stretch denim so they'll be perfect in a couple of hours. I don't think I'll be making any pants again until I'm closer to my goal size, which I haven't yet decided on — I'll see how this process goes. I'm tempted to buy these in the next size or two down, since they fit so well and are cheap (in all sense of the word).

My pile on the sewing room table. The dress from above, to sew the crossover closed. Below that, capris from a few years ago that fit now. I'm either going to make them shorter, make them a skirt, or just take off the hardware and then toss them. Under the capris is my red/white/blue denim dress (if you remember, it's the one with the big red buttons down the front, if you don't it's here). I've worn it once and washed it about 10 times. The denim never softened up enough and it hung like a circus tent on me. I'm going to take off the buttons and toss it.

Below the denim dress is my embroidered linen Hot Patterns Princess Blouse. When I made it, it was a perfect, close fit and I wore it regularly. Now it just hangs on me and looks silly. I'll be taking the buttons off this one and then tossing it too. Below the HP blouse, the dress I wore to Alex's high school graduation — the one I originally bought my cool orange sandals for. I'm going to cut this off to a top. I'll get more wear from it that way since as a dress it's too baggy now and makes me look pregnant. Below that, the Butterick Connie Crawford blouse (the one with separate cup pieces). Too big, so I'll be removing buttons and tossing that one too. I've decided I'm not going to keep most of my "fat clothes." They take up space and will be too easy to slip back into instead of reducing what I eat if I gain a few pounds down the road. I will keep some just for kicks and comparison, like I've kept my "skinny jeans" all these years.

Next, SDBev asked to see more detail on this top, the RTW cowl with the black panel.

Here's what the inside front looks like. It's just another front layer sewn (serged) into the raglan seams.

And from the side:

And, finally, the Giveaway. You made it! ;-)

Sixth & Spring Books sent Custom Couture as an unexpected bonus with the Fabric Guide I reviewed yesterday. Custom Couture is not really aimed at me, since I abhor hand-sewing and I don't really embellish any RTW. But this look and these types of projects are definitely popular with the younger set (Gawd, I sound like a teetering old grannie when I say that!) and I see many similar looks on lots of sewing and refashioning blogs. But just because this isn't what I do shouldn't detract from the book. It's pretty, well-photographed, has lots of eye candy and inspiration, and good instructions to recreate each look. It just deserves a better home than I would give it. I do appreciate Sixth & Spring sending it to me though, and I am happy to share.

Here are few random photos of some of the projects. There are others just as nice or even better but I just flipped pages and clicked on whatever I opened to since I couldn't decide.

To enter the Giveaway, leave a comment below telling me why you'd like this book. This will NOT be a random drawing; I'll pick the answer I like best. Fine print: For all the Giveaways this week, each entrant can only win once and in the case of duplicates, I'll contact you for your choice and then draw again randomly on what's left. Clear? And if you do enter, please check back next week to see who won because if I don't hear from you within a few days after announcing winners, I'll draw/decide again. I will close comments on this Giveaway on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 and announce the winner on Wednesday, July 20, 2011. Again, anyone anywhere can enter this or any Giveawy this week.

Parting Shot: Who doesn't like a good nap?


  1. Oh my... That red coat is just calling to me!! I need to learn some good couture techniques so I can improve the quality of my sewing. The designs would certainly appeal to my daughter, who is SO much fun to sew for and truly appreciates fine custom clothing! (Yes, I know; I've spoiled her)

  2. Ooh, do I get to be first? Well, here goes: I want Custom Couture because last year for Christmas, my Hubs gave me a gift certificate to Old Navy. I dutifully filled my closet with at least 5 t-shirts, 2 sweaters, 1 skirt and a few other items. Do I wear them? No. They're plain, plain, plain and I can never figure out how to pair them with the things I do own.

    I also have had Custom Couture on my Wish List at Amazon off and on for some time now. So....I need some embellishing ideas! I want something more Anthropologie-looking than I can accomplish on my own.

  3. What a great giveaway! I've wanted to learn more couture techniques for a while, as I think it would really help me focus on the quality (rather than the quantity) of the garments I make. Also, I love hand sewing, as sometimes it's nice to just slow down and appreciate the time and skill you are putting into a garment :)
    Ashley x

  4. I would love to have the book because I do like to hand sew and emblelish garments. Also, I find that books like this one are truly inspiring to push me to expand my sewing skills and projects.

  5. Retired now. I really need some new ways to pump up my wardrobe. I sit in front of the TV and hand sew. I could use ideas. Thanks. By the way, the dress is super. And I want to do what you did and lose before next summer. Too late for this one.

  6. That dress is lovely and no - I don't ever think a person is overdress if they feel confident and comfortable - to h*ll with what everyone else thinks. It's about time to please ourselves!

    Congrats on the continuing weight loss. You look fabulous. g

  7. Woo, Woo, triple woo for you on your weight loss journey! Think I need to jump on that train! Look at you in a 14! Confession time...I wear a 14 and sometimes even 16!

  8. I'm not interested in the giveaway...

    I think it's really smart of you to not hold on to all your 'fat clothes'. I was hanging on to stuff for the longest time. Finally one day my husband just called me on it. He said 'Are you hoping to grow into your old clothes"? No, no I wasn't, and I got rid of all that stuff.

  9. Great job on the weight loss.

    That dress looks beautiful. Would love to get that book...

  10. That dress is fantastic! Thanks for the picture of the inside of the purple top.
    Custom Couture would be very helpful to me. One of the things on my big sewing to-do list this year was embellish more of the garments I have made. Sadly, I have not done that yet, but this book could be my key to achieving that goal.

  11. The book looks like a fabulous one but something I should learn to do better, lots better. I would like the book just for that red coat, it looks amazing. Great dress on you, too.

  12. I need this book because:

    1) I love Anthropology and want to embellish everything (if I had the time)

    2) I'm in fashion school and my school is LAME! There are absolutely no courses on couture sewing! How am I supposed to learn hand sewing without a book!

    So if I have this book, I can embellish some of my designs, get an A, and stick it to the man(FIDM)! I can teach myself, darn it!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  13. I'll pass on this giveaway, but did want to thank you for showing the panel. I've often wondered about doing something like that to just the front where my bra shadows through.

  14. You look awesome in your dress.
    Thanks for showing the inside of the top. Some tops are very low and this is a great way to get around that.

    Your pup looks so comfortable :)

  15. First... congrats on the continuing weight loss! You're really inspiring me to do something about myself... We're similar in build and you're looking so good. I realize that I could look that good too!
    And as to the book...
    I work at a university where I am constantly surrounded by all these cute co-eds in their cute clothes, with their cute accessories and cute hair-dos. They're so dang cute! I feel so fuddy duddy sometimes... I need help with the cute. I have so many items that would benefit from a spark of creativity. AND... I DO do a lot of handwork. I love it!

  16. Would love to be part of this give away. It is great to see you shrink out of your clothes.

  17. With three girls, this book would be great for teaching them to make clothes their own. They all have such different styles and it would be nice to have the option of buying clothes at any old store (where I can afford to shop) putting their own style touches to it.

  18. Looks like my kind of book. Or in better words, the ideal book for the me I want. Did that make any sense? I used to hate hand sewing but I figured out I hated it only because I wasn't good at it. I persisted and now find it very calming. When at the sewing machine I behave a bit crazy, almost like I'm high on something and can't really relax. Hand sewing does relax me.
    I also like the idea of little details on my garments that no one else might see but that I know are special and add something to the dress.

  19. Hello...

    First I would like to say Congratulations on the weight loss, and best wishes on your journey.

    I would love to win the book because I'm a brand new sewer and I've mostly been teaching myself through books, blogs, and trial & error. I currently do not own any couture books and I would love to have a reference of not only the techniques but also for ideas of what can be done with an outfit.


  20. I'd like the book, well... because I've got a birthday in two weeks and I deserve something as wonderful as this book. LOL

  21. Great job on cleaning out the too-big items in your closet. They'll just drag you down as you shrink.

    And yes, I'd love to win the book. I'm on the brink of leaving 'the younger set' and could really use a nudge (shove!) back in!

  22. Wow! Is this fun! I've love the book for some inspiration!

  23. While I am not interested in the giveaway this time around because with a just-turned-3-yr-old and a full-time job the idea of hand sewing makes me feel ill :).

    However...that dress looks fabulous on you! Congratulations on continuing to lose sizes! It is so exciting to put on clothes that haven't fit in months or years!!

  24. I don't hand sew either. God doesn't want me to, thus he got all of the manufacturers to put blind hemming features on sewing machines.

    Love your companion, even if she is snoozing while you work your fingers to the bone.

    And that dress looks great on you. I bet those flip flops really completed the outfit.

  25. Hey, Debbie, if you really don't want to toss the denim dress, I had wonderful luck last week trying a Peggy Sagers' tip. Wash denim in Coke to soften. It worked GREAT for a 4yd cut of denim "cardboard" I had. I still can't believe it. I used the "small" water level on my top loader-water covered the yardage and I added a 16 oz Coke - no detergent. she said for her front loader, she adds 1 can Coke. Worth a try if you want to keep the dress. Nice giveaway, but, like you, I don't have use for the book :-)

  26. My almost 19 year old step-daughter has been learning to sew garments. She has Asperger's Syndrome so trying to get her to concentrate is a bit, shall we say, challenging.

    I picked her up several decent garment pieces at GoodWill to "refashion" and this book would be wonderful for her to get ideas from.

    She just graduated from High School in May and is trying to find a job. In the meanwhile, she has some time on her hands. The book would be terrific for her!



  27. Debbie, I just want to leave a comment but don't need the book.
    I remember you mentioning that blue wasn't your color, but I have to say you look lovely in the blue patterned dress. And congrats on the new sizing. I know that feeling, and it's definitely good. :)

  28. I really like the blue dress on you! I think the flowers stopping short of the actual hem gives the impression that it is shorter, but it actually sneakily covers the knees (not sure about you but I like my knees covered now!)
    (PS omit me from the giveaway - someone else will appreciate it more :)

  29. Girl, you're lookin good!! Congrats. Weight loss really sucks butt. ha. No giveaway entry here...I'm full up on books! :D

  30. You are so inspiring. I made an Ottobre t-shirt today because of you and I blogged about it.
    I might have mentioned you as my muse.
    This has been in my bookmark section for a while - egging me on:

    Thank you for posting your photos and getting me to sew garments again.

  31. I just want to say I love me a sleeping pooch!! And I'm not in the running for this wonderful book. I would never be able to do it justice, so best wishes to the winner!

  32. I'm leaving a second comment:
    I have to have this book because it has a couture airplane on a denim skirt. It's so me.

  33. Good for you - you look great!!!

    Don't enter me in the giveaway; I already have that book and love it.

    I'll say it again - you look great. :)

  34. Hi Debbie... the dress is sooooo pretty, good to wear something pretty - even to the grocery store! Congratulations on your weight loss and thank you so much for your wondewrfully inspiring blog and pattern reviews. I hope you will sew yourself some new beautiful bras in your even more beautiful size! You and the "girls" deserve them!

  35. Not to be in the give-away since I, too, don't like handwork. I just wanted to say how good you look in the crossover dress -- even if it is RTW!!

  36. Ms. Debbie, I think you and I are about the same age and have similar outlooks on a lot of things but I want to win this book so I can convince Mamaw (that's you, my friend) that we aren't too old for anything! :-)

    Let the embellishing begin!!!

  37. I think this is a book that I would use. The projects shown look really cute and I'm all up for embellishing shop bought or self-made clothes and making them more individual and exciting. I feel very much at the beginning of my journey into making my own clothes so collecting information in order to improve my skills is a definite goal.

  38. One of the reasons I sew is to make "one off garments" with special touches you cant find elswhere. This sort of book is helpful in inspring me to reach this dream.

  39. Linking back to your denim dress one can see how far you have come on your weight-loss journey, you are looking great! And thanks for a great give-away, I love those embellishment ideas :-)

  40. I don't know why you think you can't wear blue. It just makes your hair pop and your eyes shine. Lovely dress.

  41. You look awesome :) I'm a bit sorry we don't get to see the shoes! And, you're not too dressed up for Walmart. Even for a Florida Walmart ;)

  42. the books sounds like it's full of good ideas to get me sewing again. But what I really want to comment on is congrats on the weight loss!

  43. While my sewing in far from being couture, I would love to get there one day or at least be able to sew something I can wear outside my house.

  44. I *loved* that denim dress with the red buttons! I'm sorry it didn't work out and soften up.

  45. I'd love to win this book because I don't have a functioning sewing machine right now (I had a hand-me-down Singer Pixie and somehow killed it, and it has no serviceable parts) but love the look and idea of custom clothes. This book would help me jazz up the clothes I already have plus hopefully learn some new skills I can apply to make some of my own clothes whenever I get a new sewing machine!
