Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Sewing Tonight Either

This is how my day started:

I'm going to be crude here, but in order to get ready for work this morning I had to do what my father used to term a "whore bath." That's where you stand in the tub with a bucket and a rag and wash the "important" parts. Ahem. I also washed my hair, which is equally important. ;-) The biggest pain was emptying all the darn bottles into a big bucket. Arghhhh.

As you might have guessed, we didn't have water when I woke up this morning. And we still don't have it now. And I'm really spittin' nails since someone is just now getting back to the project at nearly 10 PM. It seems a certain boob tube was more important. I'm really hoping it gets fixed before morning, but I'm not optimistic so I've got my back-up case of water ready. I decided it's more of a pain to pack to go to a hotel than to do bath gymnastics with bottled water. Plus, the dogs.

Luckily, I was cheered up by the arrival of yet more shoes. One pair is a duplicate of the semi-metallic brown shoes but in taupe suede. They're very oooo-ahhhh, but unfortunately they feel half a size too big even though they're the same size, and so back they go. I sure wish I had invented Zappos.

But these I think are staying.

Yes, I know they are not my *most* flattering style, but I still love them. So hush. ;-)

Plus, they're extremely comfortable and are going to look great with my Moneypenny Pussycat blouse. And a twin set I bought a few weeks ago that you haven't seen yet. The color is Cabernet Savignon, which makes them even prettier, right? I love the shiny black accents too. But my orange toenails are going to have to go. By the way, this is NOT what I wore to work today. It's the top half of what I wore out to dinner with Alex and then a skirt thrown on in place of the jeans so I could "model" the shoes.

As you can see, I didn't do diddly squat about my dresser top last night. I was sawing logs by 11:30 PM. I don't think I'm going to do anything about it tonight either. But it's on my short list, especially since I've put it all out here. ;-)

Speaking of the blouse, here's the fabric I'm going to use for the skirt to go with it. It's very similar to the skirt I had on the other night, but just enough lighter to not be such a drab combo, I think. (Especially with those shoes!) It's lightweight wool crepe, so it ought to sew like a dream and drape beautifully. If I ever sew it.


  1. Now you understand why I get no sewing done during the week - just too tired after work. And I'm loving the shoes! I think they look great! You will get to the skirt this weekend and you will have another new outfit next week...

  2. I love, love, love those shoes. The heel on that style makes all the difference from a flat t-type shoe. I also love your choice of fabric for your skirt. It is a great color and tone! You have a great eye for fabric.

  3. Those shoes look great! I don't know what you're talking about "not the most flattering," I think they're fabulous.

  4. Ho ho, my mother used to call that a "cat bath" where you wash in the sink. I love your wardrobe and I can relate; after having not worked for five years (SAHM) and going back to work... no work clothes. Especially as my body shape has changed and it's corporate rather than in a lab where you can wear anything as you just throw a lab coat over it.
    You look great BTW and I love seeing all your new outfits!

  5. Love the shoes! No water, UGH!

  6. The shoes are great. I think they look fine, really stylish (& I'm normally not keen on high vamps). They'll be perfect with the outfit. Enjoy!

  7. I LOVE those new shoes - what a fabulous colour! I read in last night's Evening Standard (London newspaper) that the very latest fashion is to 'wear what you drink from burgundy to claret' so the colour is spot on for this season. I hope that the arrival of such fab shoes made up for lack of water - that's grim - hope it's sorted for you very soon!

  8. Wow, first time I ever heard someone else use that expression - whore's bath! That's what my mom always called it! LOL

  9. Love the shoes! Also love the fabric you bought for your skirt - where did you get it?

  10. Ah, no water...growing up on a farm that was a frequent occurrence, we'd often have wait for the electricity to come back on when it was snowy/icy/stormy. Fun times. If it happens again, buy a couple of gallon jugs of distilled or whatever from Walmart--it's cheaper than the little bottles and much easier to pour into your sink. And you can maybe use whatever's left in your iron.

    Love the shoes, and they'll keep getting prettier as you continue to go down, so I think they were an excellent (and cute!) purchase. :-) You wouldn't happen to want to tell me the style name would you?

  11. My college roommate's mother had a slightly different version of the Whore Bath: She said, "Whores don't bathe; they just put on more perfume." Ahem. I'm glad you at least have water!

    Maybe you'll have to arrange for the television to mysteriously be broken, or at least for the remote control to go missing until the water comes back on? You could also call the cable or satellite people and ask them to disconnect service for a couple of days... I'm just sayin.'

  12. Love the shoes!
    I'm surprised you bought small bottles of water instead of one of those big jugs. Also, if it ever happens again, just go to your local public pool for a shower, or go to a gym and ask for a visitor's pass to "check out" the place. The price for admission to the pool is way cheaper than a hotel and they often have a sauna and hot tub you can use too!

  13. Oh yes..the 'tidying up bath'. I live in the country and we lose the power enough that I keep two five gallon pails (I get them from the bakery at our local big grocery store. Sometimes you can even get them with the tops that snap on)always filled with water. That way, people can wash up, flush the toilets and do a bit of cooking, even on the grill (a dutch oven full of water made warm is enough to do a whole bath). But no water is soooo much of a pain.

  14. I can't believe I never heard of a whore's bath! Too funny. Hmmm, I have to agree with Rebecca, the remote control in exchange for water, and no one gets hurt!

  15. I keep a small container of non-scented baby wipes for a "camping bath", but that won't work with your hair!

  16. Debbie I love those shoes! Every girl needs something in a gladiator/cage sandal. They'd look rally great with jeans too.

  17. Love the shoes! No water :( Hope it gets fixed soon.

  18. I'm going to disagree - I think those shoes are fabulous, and they look very flattering on.

    We had a boil water order for several days recently, and I thought that was bad. I don't know what I would do if I had no water at all. Ugh!

  19. I don't know whose feet you were looking at! I once I saw where very flattered by those shoes! Just beautiful!

  20. The shoes are so gorgeous, they will make any outfit you wear with them gorgeous by association.

  21. Oooh heehee 'whore bath' ...it's known as a 'cat lick' here in the UK where you wash your pits n bits LOL! The shoes look great x

  22. I like these shoes. The others we all didn't love were heavier. These are great on you.
    The water issue is rally a killer. I grew up in a house with well water and every time a bad storm was predicted we filled the bathtub and buckets. But it never lasted as long as yours is heading for. Good luck on resolving the issue.

  23. I know someone who calls them PTA showers - pits, tits and a$$. Here's hoping you don't have to do that much longer.

    Love the shoes.


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