After a discussion with someone (Hi Belinda!) much more experienced with my Aussie stretch Bengaline than I and links to pics of how all the True Blue sheilas are wearing it, I've gone off in another direction for the next pants make. Although I'm still not sewing the Bengaline. Go figure.

I've now traced and cut KS 3277 (above), the plus version of KS 3115 (below).

I thought this would be my muslin for the Bengaline but the fabric I'm using doesn't have as much stretch so it will only be a quasi-muslin. But that's OK, I *need* a pair of black yoga-style pants ... not that I've suddenly taken up yoga or anything. But YKWIM. ;-) I'll evaluate the pattern for the Bengaline after these are finished.
I thought I'd get them done last night, but I happened to turn the tube on right at the start of a good chick flick ... The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Living in a house with only males, starting yet another load of their stinky workout laundry, and just getting back from the grocery store to stock up on the food they've depleted in what seemed like mere hours, I needed a chick flick night. TSOTTP isn't Oscar material by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a cute film — even if I did feel all of my 44 years while watching it. ;-)
I'll finish the black pair today and hopefully the verdict will be Good to Go on the brown stretch Bengaline. If not, I reserve the right to change my mind. Yet again.
Oh, and I'm now determined to try those Betzina pants just to torture myself. Don't ask. They may not ever make it past muslin, but like a trainwreck, some things I just have to see for myself.
I've been meaning to make those KS pants for ages, but haven't gotten around to it. I can't wait to see your version.
ReplyDeleteDebbie I love KS 3277, I had to add approx. 3/4" to the back crotch length and tapering it down the back in-seam. I also scooped out about 1/4" of the center back seam (the deepest curve) as the seam seemed to have been standing away from the body. Now I whip them up all the time. I compared it to LLBean's perfect fit and they are almost the same overall, I prefer KS's legs (bootcut).
ReplyDeleteHere are a list of pants patterns that I have recently added to my stock:
Simplicity THREADS # 4068
McCalls PALMER/PLETSCH # 5142 (Ebay)
KwikSew # 3469
I am anxious to try and compare the KS and Simplicity's.
Jalie's 2561 the fit is awesome!
Wishing you success.