This is the back band of one of my favorite bras. Maybe you can see the rip near the hooks? One of wires popped out too. Sadly, none of its siblings are very much better these days and even sadder, this style has been discontinued. I had already bought a bunch more after I first fell in love, fearing their discontinuation. And now it's happened. Sigh. Stupid, stupid, stupid bra manufacturers. Grrrr.
You know, I think this is something that men will just never be able to relate to. It's not like their whole self-image would change if, say, their favorite jock strap was discontinued. Are there even any more than two jock strap manufacturers and styles anyway?? But I digress …
As you may recall, I did actually do some bra shopping over the past few weeks. While I found a few contenders, none of them are THIS bra. And so they sit, unworn and with tags still attached, in the bag on my dresser. I dread going through the bra trying-on process yet again so I've decided to try to clone this one. I've already got all the supplies I need, so what the heck. (And if it works, I'll be ahead $80 after I return those from my dresser top.)

As you can see, it's a relatively simple underwire with a diagonal cup seam. Since it's not a seamless cup (which don't do well on me anyway), taking it apart will yield flat pieces that I can trace off for a pattern.

I've taken apart half of the bra and will use the other half to check construction as I sew. The next step is to trace these pieces onto pattern paper, mark the direction of stretch for each, and then cut out my first trial.
Sewing bras isn't hard. The frustrating part is that you pretty much have to finish the whole thing before you can try it on for an accurate fit (or not). No such thing as a fast and ugly bra muslin. So that's what is on my agenda today.
Once I get the bra done, I'm going to move on to a new pair of summer capris. After all those work clothes, I think my heart is longing for some new casual wear. LOL! But, seriously, my best friend and her family are coming to Florida next week and I'd like to have something new to hang around in.
I've got two interviews (Thursday and Friday) with two more for early next week. I'm using all my time around those for sewing, while I can. Although I'll have to carve out some housework time too now that I know we'll be having company next week. Or I could hand one son a dust rag and the other the vacuum …
Oh perfect timing. Just last night I was surfing for summer courses and found a bra patternmaking course in London. BUT, course cost sent me back in my seat and hotel and travel to be added.
ReplyDeleteWhat/who is your fabric and notion source for bras Debbie?
Handing your sons the cleaning implements? Good luck with that. I get a hard time even from daughters in that regard ;)
ReplyDeleteGood luck on those interviews, and the bras! I actually do have a similar problem for my DH, he is very particular about his bikini briefs! Last time I found some I bought quite a supply, I'm afraid I won't be so lucky when he needs more.
ReplyDeleteI vote for handing out the chores to the sons.
ReplyDeleteI love your idea on the bra front. As a 36 DD it is hard to find a bra that isn't molded that holds up the girls to a nice height. I'll be interested in seeing you're results.
Good luck on the interviews.
let us know how that goes, handing the boys the cleaning apparatus.
ReplyDeleteAnd, good luck with the interviews.
I keep telling myself I'm going to take my favorite bra and re-create it.... You're inspiring me to finally get on the ball and do it - now if I could only find the time to sew!
ReplyDeleteI've been toying with the idea of bra-making too. Finding the bits and pieces has always put me off.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the interviews!
That's the Do-Everything-Debbie we've all come to admire: bras, company, and interviews all at once. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteThat's the Do-Everything-Debbie we've all come to admire: bras, company, and interviews all at once. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteWhat a concept! Getting kids to do housework. Tell me if it works because now that might are all on their own with kids and homes of their own, I still end up going there and doing housework! But now I enjoy it, because they have busy lives and they don't expect me to do it, so it's a treat when I clean up and do laundry while babysitting my dgks!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be watching the bra making with interest, since I made some a few years back for myself and my daughters, and I know how quickly you can sew a whole new underwear wardrobe, but I just never make the time to do anything for myself. Maybe you will get me started again! Good luck - I can't wait to see your results
Congratulations on the interviews Thursday and Friday. Let us know how they go, and if the interviewer is rendered speechless by your stunning, perfectly fitted clothes. :)
ReplyDeleteOOOHHH!! I am so excited that you are making a bra! This is probably the main reason I got into sewing in the first place. But, I haven't made one yet - too chicken. Debbie, in your expert opinion ;-), can an absolute beginner make some decent bras or would it take more experience first - and experience with what?
ReplyDeleteYou know it peeves me to no end about bras because my fav one was discontinued too. Thankfully I found a the style after searching on the internet and was able to stockpile a few, but once these wear out, what ever will I do??? Hope your endevor goes well. Best wishes on your interviews too, hope you find a dream job soon. :-)
ReplyDeleteOoh I hope the interview went well! Good luck!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhere do you get the supplies to make these?
ReplyDeleteThey discontinued that bra? That's MY bra. I've got about 12 knocking around in my dresser drawer that I rotate through. I usually buy them all at once during the holiday season when I can find them for half off or more.
ReplyDeleteI am going to go out and see if I can still find any :(