Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You have a call on Line 1 ...

Just a drive-by post, but I had to share this funny thing that happened today ...

I was at work, doing my thing. Still neck-deep in catch-up and still learning all our cases and procedures. (It's going very well, but there has definitely been a steep learning curve some days. But I really do like the challenge.)

Our receptionist buzzed me to let me know I had a phone call from an opposing counsel's office. I pick up on the line and start talking with the woman on the other end. We're both trying to figure out some things about a particular case that we're both new to, when I think I hear a question that just didn't compute with the subject matter. I heard .... "Do you have the Stitches and Seams blog?" It took what seemed like a full minute for me to comprehend that that was REALLY what I heard.

How amazing is that?

R ... if you're reading, you made my day! And I apologize for being such a dweeb. I was just so surprised. And I'd be happy to help you with that darn FBA whenever you're ready ...


  1. How freakin' cool! Making your name known all over the place. Glad you are settling in and having a good time. I'm still in the learning curve at my newish (6 months in) job. Ugh. g

  2. Love that. You have street cred!

  3. Aargh, the dreaded colliding worlds! So hard to react with aplomb....

  4. Wow, you're famous! I would've been surprised too.

  5. Small world.

    Congratulations on 'becoming famous'.

  6. hahahaha. I love that story. I had one of those recently as well - and the woman I was talking to is a lurker at my blog as well. She acted as if I were some sort of celebrity -- "OMG, you're xxxx!!!!"

  7. How fun! See what a celebrity you are?

  8. She has probably taken advantage of one of those wonderful tutorials!
    Its funny what a small world it is sometimes.

  9. You probably have way more followers than you realize. You are awesome!

  10. I DREAM of having this happening to me! This is fantastic!

  11. Would have been great to see your face when this happened! You have touched more people than you will know. Such a good thing.

  12. Would have been great to see your face when this happened! You have touched more people than you will know. Such a good thing.

  13. Yep! Always catch up on Sunday mornings! I'm glad I made your day. Btw- your voice was different than what I imagined! :-) Yes, some day we'll have to work on that FBA. I also don't know how to use my coverstitch on my serger! I've been trying to find someone to teach me. I know you're a wiz at that, too!

  14. I totally used a cover stitch tutorial from your blog to help my mom with her cover stitch and I don't even have a cover stitch! My mom better start using hers or it may come back to Fla. with me. You go girl!


Thank you for each and every comment. I appreciate them all, but I have to be honest and let you know that I'm usually bad about answering questions. I hope you understand that there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do.

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