Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mini Photo Session

No make-up, but at least the hair is clean, even if it is sticking out weird. ;-)

Here's the Butterick skirt with the Simplicity Project Runway jacket and the Ottobre-inspired vintage blouse. (I also see two little white paws sticking out behind me.) I think I should be walking around the house saying, "Honey, I'm home."

Just the blouse (still no buttons) and skirt.

The jacket buttoned. It only looks crooked because my arm is up in the air.

No pantyhose. ;-)

Now I'm going to catch up on a couple of reviews, and try to think of what fabric I can make another Butterick skirt from. I love this one!


  1. The garments are all wonderful and you look fabulous! Thank you for finding so many wonderful new patterns for me to try ;-)
    Good luck with your interviews next week.

  2. Great skirt--GREAT outfit! Good Luck!

  3. I've been lurking here for awhile and love your blog. Just wanted to compliment you on the very attractive wardrobe you've put together. Good luck with the job hunt!

  4. Your garments and the combinations you have creted are awesome. You look very put together and professional in each outfit. Great job!

    Thanks for sharing the pattern info and techniques used as well.

    Good luck on finding the job of your dreams!


  5. Yet more fab outfits!! The skirt turned out really well.

  6. from one redhead to another....fabulous colors and wardrobe.

  7. Great outfit, especially the first rendition with the scarf. I love the new skirt with the pleats on the bottom. It goes so nicely with your shoes.

  8. Everything is fantastic! The skirt turned out so great!

  9. Great garments, Debbie, you look fantastic. Good luck

  10. You look fantastic! I love the complete outfit.
    (I've put photos of Judy's twins up on PR if you're interested :) )

  11. That is one fine looking ensemble, especially the way you've put it togethr in the first picture

  12. you look great, love the colors, the skirt fits so good and i love the scarf too

  13. Drats another new pattern I want but I want mostly all of them you make. These are great pieces-I think the photo wearing the scarf takes it to the fast lane.Your outfit is beautiful! mssewcrazy

  14. very nice ,i actually bought the skirt pattern after seeing it on your blog,for some reason i'd missed it before.The jacket looks much better than the envelope led me to beleive....mmmmm...don't get me started on something else LOL.

  15. The outfit looks great! Buttons....they're so over-rated... LOL!!!

  16. Your work wardrobe is coming together very nicely - it all looks so great!!

    I love those little paws - it made me laugh when I spotted them!

  17. You are going to be very well dressed in your return to work. I really like that skirt on you.

  18. Wow, Debbie!! Have you counted up how many combinations you have for work so far?? LOTS, eh!! And all pretty and interesting!!
    Warm greetings,
    Rhonda in Montreal

  19. Your new wardrobe looks fantastic! Good luck on the job hunt!

  20. Your wardrobe is great. I really like the first combo.

  21. Good Luck! Your outfits are all looking great, all very nicely put together.

  22. Fantastic skirt,Debbie! MORE pattern buying......;-)))

  23. I moved my blog... it's now at

    Hope you visit!

  24. Love that skirt. And it's summer (almost) pantyhose are not allowed :-)

  25. Bravo! I love a great fashion show.You look so pulled together and professional.Good luck.

  26. It all looks good, but I want to say that the skirt is an especially flattering shape for you.


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