Lovely belly shot, just so you can see the whole front. And I *do* mean the whole front! ;-)

ETA: DS#2 took this for me after we got back from the dog park. They look better without my belly sticking out (although my hair is a windblown and sweaty mess). But they still aren't hanging as nicely as my TNT capris, so I'll be going back to that pattern yet again. These are just too pegged at the bottom. Kind of mom-jeans-capris. LOL!

Back (I did leave off the belt carriers):

Side pocket:

Hem bands:

Back yoke (which is actually even, etc. - just a bad camera angle here).

Fly and facing. The button looks dark but it's shiny silver and matches the side pocket button.

Inside pocket, where you can see I goofed and sewed the facing wrong side out.

Next up is to sew buttons and buttonholes onto my ivory Ottobre blouse so I can wear the darn thing. But first, off to the dog park in the new dog park pants.
Well, fit or no fit, you will have the snazziest pair of capris at the dog park, for sure! You do such professional looking work.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame on the fit after all that work,your topstitching is lovely.I'm making jeans and i chickened out of doing top stitching in contrast in case i screwed it up.I love the idea of the contrast fly flap too.I'll have to remember that one.
ReplyDeleteDebbie, you get stuff done so FAST!!
ReplyDeleteWarm greetings,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
I hate they didn't fit well, but they sure do look great! I love the pleating detail on the pockets!
ReplyDeletethe button detail on the pockets are so cute, I love the color denim too, it looks so professional, its a shame they didn't fit you like you would have like it too
ReplyDeleteYou may have mentioned, and possibly I missed it, but what is your TNT capri pattern? We're built similarly and I'm in need of some good-fitting capris.
ReplyDeleteLove all the details on these. You do such great (and patient) work on these type of garments. And I think they look pretty good on :))
ReplyDeleteDebbie, I guess I don't get it. You have a perfectly GREAT TNT capri pattern, right? Why don't you just use it and incorporate those cute pintucked pockets, etc onto that. Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteSigned....hopeless at home.
I think these are cute! Love the details! Have you already done a tutorial on topstitching? You do such perfect detail work--I am making some Ottobre women's jeans and want to copy your lovely stitching. Any free advice?
ReplyDeleteJob well done!
Lynda in LV
I think they are great Debbie! I love all the details - very cool!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else, as always your attention to detail is impeccable. I think they are really cute, and don't fit too bad. The pockets are amazing. The other comment regarding incorporating the detail into your TNT is right on. I guess there is not as much fun in that though. I hope you enjoy wearing them just the same, the lovely details will distract anyone that understands fit enough to even notice, :).
ReplyDeleteCrystal in Phoenix
hcrystalaz on PR
I think they look great! I love, love, love the pockets!
ReplyDeleteI think they look great - including the fit. Love the top too, did I miss this one or did you "review" it already? Your top-stitching always looks so professional too!
ReplyDeleteGreat looking topstitching. I can see why you so love these pockets.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I saw an article in last Thursday's Wall Street Journal which made me think of you and giggle. Turns out that pantyhose are becoming passe everywhere except the stodgy northeast. Maybe when you find the perfect job it will be more perfect because they, too, will not require hose. Work on tanning those legs! (Said the pasty white redhead).
Great job even if they aren't your favourite... Wonderful details!
ReplyDeleteI have not seen many pants in rtw out on folks in public since I have been looking that don't have a boat load of wrinkles from poor fit. Even on the shopping channels I see strange pants fit at times. Just enjoy them and let everyone assume you broke down and bought a pair off the rack. mssewcrazy
ReplyDeleteThe detailing on this capris is outstanding.
ReplyDeleteLove those pockets and the topstitching! I have yet to wear capris....have never even tried a pair on. Oy, I need to at least try them! I am still wearing panty hose and that has to stop for the summer before I melt. ~Bev